Baked banana from the oven

Bananas, compared to other fruits, contain more calories and little vitamin C.
On the other hand, bananas contain lots of other healthy nutrients, such as fiber, vitamin B6 and potassium.
The fact that bananas contain more calories does not immediately make them an unhealthy choice.


Heat the oven bop 200 degrees.
Butter a baking dish.
Peel the bananas and cut them lengthwise.
Place the bananas with the rounded side up.
Drizzle the lemon juice and orange juice over the bananas.
Stir cinnamon into the honey and spoon it over the bananas.
Pour the melted butter over the bananas.
Bake for 12 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.

  • 4 bananas
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of orange juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 4 tablespoons of honey
  • 50 gr melted butter
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