Pasta with beans and tomatoes
Princess beans belong to the legume family and are a legume crop just like peas. Beans were not introduced to our area until after 1550 from Peru and the southern United States. These heat-loving plants offer an enormous wealth of varieties. In Flanders, princess and string beans are particularly eaten. Dry beans are much less popular, although they contain large amounts of high-quality protein.
The fruit is a pod, elongated, straight or curved. Depending on the variety, the pod can be smooth or rough, hard or soft. The pods contain egg-shaped to kidney-shaped seeds. Immature pods have a fleshy pericarp. At full maturity, it becomes thin and membranous.
In princess beans, the pod is left intact and stewed whole. They are also called green beans, snap beans or sometimes gentlemen’s beans. Butter beans or wax beans are princess beans with yellow pods. The variety diversity is enormous within the group of princess beans. Princess beans have white, green or brown seeds.
Cook the pasta.
Cook the green beans for about 8 minutes and drizzle with olive oil.
Mix the pasta with the beans, tomato pieces, cheese and nuts.
Season to taste with salt and pepper.
- 2 tomatoes in pieces
- 200 gr green beans
- 400 gr pasta
- 100 gr ground cheese
- 1/2 spoonful of olive oil
- Possibly 100 gr toasted nuts
- Pepper and salt